Monday, January 30, 2012

This Picture Makes Me Sad

My parents were born in the same hospital exactly 40 days apart... a fun little factoid that would someday result in their darling son (i.e. me) having to put together two separate 60th Birthday slide-shows within six weeks. In the process, I became intimately familiar with hundreds of my family's pictures - and among those that I managed to scan was this one, taken in New York City during the summer of 1986:

Try (if you can) to divert your eyes from our coordinated outfits... or our long white socks... or the fact that all three of us have our shirts tucked into our shorts without a belt. Instead, focus on the picture itself: a guy takes his two sons to New York City to see the Statue of Liberty and South Street Seaport and they stop (as billions of visitors once did) to take a picture in front of the beautiful New York skyline and its prominent Twin Towers.

My dad never thought twice about putting this picture in the album of our family vacations. It was merely one of a dozen pictures he included from that day; and merely one of hundreds more we had accumulated over the years.

It was never supposed to be special, let alone sad... but ten-plus years after those towers fell, its both. 

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